Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year

Today we encourage you to really take the time to decide what it is your truly want, there is a major shift coming, not only because of the New Year but because of the year, this is an year of abundance and manifestation, if you enter this year with your intentions set in confidence that the universe and the Angels will assist you, you will be more prosperous in all areas of you life than you have ever been. Imagine that every morning your Angels stand beside your bed with a new present for you to open. Start with the exchange of positive energy by giving someone one of the things you desire and watch how quickly it shall return to you. Don't take on the job of trying to make things happen, allow them to happen, release and let go, intended and give thanks. Move in the now, in this very moment expect, receive, know that all good in the universe belongs to you. Share, don't hoard, give, in time, love in smiling, open the doors so that the walls we have build and be torn down and the newness of life can began. It is really all up to you, make this year your best ever, start now.

Channeled from Gabriel

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