Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Faith does work

People always ask me why faithworks, I tell them that faith does work, by faith mountains in our lives are moved, dreams become reality,by faith miracles happen. You see in all things in life you have to believe, now if you don't believe then you are not gonna receive, it just doesn't happen like that, The word of God says that if you have the faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. Do you know that the mustard seed is the smallest seed in the world which means that if you believe a tiny bit that what you are asking for, dreaming about visualizing will come to past then it is yours. This has been made way to hard by people who make all these rules that you have to follow, we are directly linked to God( universe, source,etc) what you need to do is build that relationship spend some time getting to know spirit and put your faith to the test, I assure you will not be sorry....

Faithworks, yes it does!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Allowing It

When you ask for the universe to bring you something and you then began to doubt what are the chances you are going to receive it? When you ask for something and then you began to give thanks and walk in the faith that it is being worked out behind the scene, that this wonderful group of Angels are busy bringing you what you have requested then you are allowing it. Get out of the way and allow it!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Down Days

Today marked a wonderful day in American History and for that I am proud! I met with a client today who was having a down day, she had been reading and watching movies, she has been doing her affirmations and networking still she was feeling down. I told her that God is in control and that all things happen in Divine Order, but that it is ok to have down days, everyday is not going to be great, things will happen in our lives that we don't like, we will feel as if we can't take another thing, EVERYBODY has issues and if they tell you they don't RUN!!! The thing is how you handle those days, you see of course we want to waddle for a minute, call people talk about it, but this is what we should do, acknowledge those feelings, expect the fact that at this moment, I am not in a good place, recognize it and then pray! Call out to God( universe, your source) tell them how you are feeling and what it is that is going, reach out to the spirit for help because they have the power to truly help you to bring you the peace that you need so that you can get up, dust off and move forward. You see, the key is to not stay down in the down time, but to accept, confront and proceed to your higher place. We all have those moments, it's what you do in those moments that count!

God Bless,


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Only You

Things in this life never cease to amaze me, as I look around I notice so many different things in people that surprise me, by that I mean that the ones that you think should be happy are sad, the ones that you think should be giving are taking. So I ask the question of spirit why is this so, the answer was very simple," don't allow others choices to affect your choices you can only chose for yourself, once you let go of wondering about others actions and just think about you and doing what is right for you, your stream will flow and all will be well with you and the world surrounding you. You see you are only in control of you." Hummm very simple.

Get my new eBook Angel Messages for Everyday People @ ww.faithworks2005.org


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

In Time

Today was a long day, I had a long list of things to do, clients to see and I also wanted to spend time with my family, so needless to say that at this time I am beat, but as I sit here in the silence I am allowing sprirt to speak to me so I will share.
We are only limited by our minds, we are limited by our thoughts you have to know that God and God's goodness is unlimited, so I truly believe that we have not because we ask not (James 4v2) When we take the time to sit in the stillness of God and truly figure out what we want,God And the Universe is ready to provide all, not in our timing but in the right timing.So understand that when you co-create just as you trust your, trust your source who only wants what best for you!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Lately, I have been doing some real soul searching, I have had some AHA MOMENTS, life is really a lesson well learned and there are many times in mine that I have felt as if I can do it all by myself, I have given things to God and spirit, ask for help and the second that I have stop praying, got up and tried to fix it myself. I have ran around looking for the solutions, talking to people, asking questions, when the answer has always been right in front of my face( you see sometimes when we pray and ask for answers we don't like the ones we get) so in taking this time to myself and spending it with God, my eyes have been truly open to the fact that you can do all that you want to do but God is the answer that you seek, he has all, knows all and is the best at all the things that you need in this lifetime, he is your lover, homie, friend and if you need one in the physical he can also hook you up. Take some time and spend it with God today,have your own AHA S!