Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Down Days

Today marked a wonderful day in American History and for that I am proud! I met with a client today who was having a down day, she had been reading and watching movies, she has been doing her affirmations and networking still she was feeling down. I told her that God is in control and that all things happen in Divine Order, but that it is ok to have down days, everyday is not going to be great, things will happen in our lives that we don't like, we will feel as if we can't take another thing, EVERYBODY has issues and if they tell you they don't RUN!!! The thing is how you handle those days, you see of course we want to waddle for a minute, call people talk about it, but this is what we should do, acknowledge those feelings, expect the fact that at this moment, I am not in a good place, recognize it and then pray! Call out to God( universe, your source) tell them how you are feeling and what it is that is going, reach out to the spirit for help because they have the power to truly help you to bring you the peace that you need so that you can get up, dust off and move forward. You see, the key is to not stay down in the down time, but to accept, confront and proceed to your higher place. We all have those moments, it's what you do in those moments that count!

God Bless,


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