Monday, February 2, 2009

Water your Seed

In today's time all you hear is about how bad things are, no jobs, no money, no help. What we have to realize it that when you plant a seed you must water it, but that I mean if you surround yourself with the negative things than that is what you are going to get. We must learn how to speak the right words over our life, over lives are our seeds, so daily you have to speak and affirm things as you want them to be regardless of what current conditions are. If that means that you have to turn off the TV or stop talking to someone who is always negative then that is what you must do so that the seed the you plant doesn't fall on bad soil. It is like this you would not go and plant your seed in rocky dirt because more than likely it will not grow, the same applies for what you allow in your spirit. Start today, for 2 weeks only allow the positive in your life, books, words, thoughts, people. Spend time with things that make you feel good and then watch your flower grow.

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