Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mean People

In my spiritual walk I have learned alot of things, one of the things that I am still working on is controlling my tongue. Yes even I have to control my mouth(smile) they are times on this phsycial plane that things make me upset, people, places and things. Now a few years ago I would have put my hands on my hip and stood firm footed and told them exactly what is on my mind. But I once was told that you need to know what battles to fight. When someone is mean to me or rude, that is not a battle that I need to fight, I just smile and stay as nice as I can, because when I am happy my gifts from the universe are flowing, when I am all huffed up I have stopped my flow dead in its tracks. It is not worth a moment of "I told them" to stop a lifetime of wonder!

Think about it


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