Saturday, September 1, 2007

Use The Power of Your WORDS!!!

Words have power! Whether they are spoken or held quietly in our hearts, our words are the vehicle through which we express our desires, our hopes and our dreams.

Our words have the power to shape our world- to create the good we desire. The thoughts we hold are reflected in the outer expressions of our lives. As we direct positive words toward a person or situation, whether they are healing, guidance, peace, prosperity, or any other concern, they have a positive effect.

My words are spirit and they are life, and they do accomplish that for which they are sent. This is one of my favorite and it expresses the power of words as conveyed in the book of Isaiah:"So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose and poser in the thing for which I sent it" -Isaiah 55:11 RSV
Your affirmative words carry a blessing: they do a good work. You can send your words-through your thoughts and prayers- to bless and to heal, they can even change your life. You can use your powerful, formative words to bless the world as you hold thoughts of love, harmony, and peace.

The words you put on paper are just as powerful as those you hold in your mind or express aloud. So as you write the prayers of your heart on the pages of your journal each day, know that you are crating with God the world in which you live.

As you go about your daily activties, keep in mind the power of your words. You have the power to add constructive ideas to any situation. You have the power to encourage others, to turn a negative situation into a positive one. You make the world a better place. Use the powers of your words.
This is part of a course that I am currently teaching & the results our overwhelming, for more on this & much more
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