Greetings we want to give you a list of things to do today
1) Smile for 60 seconds for no reason
2) Smile at someone
3) Think a positive thought for 5 minutes
4) Tell someone that they look nice
5) Give someone one a cup of coffee or a soda
6) Ask you Angels to do something for you
7) Call someone that you have been meaning to call
8) Hug someone
9) Find something to laugh really hard at
10) Give thanks for all that you have & for all that you expect to have
In doing so watch the movement of spirit in your life, we want you to have joyous life in having joy, you will also have all the other gifts that you so desire, understand that life is your creation you are co- creator with spirit to have exactly what you want, if you believe that you can.
Blessings!Faithworks2005Please visit my website praises go up blessing come down!
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