Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Powerful Miracle Prayers by C. B. Reid

Powerful Miracle Prayers
During a recent trip to Los Angeles, I was trying to dream up some Powerful Miracle Prayers to help me figure out what Spirit wanted me to blog about this week when I hit the magazine jackpot in a little bookstore at the very end of a small terminal.
It struck me as an odd place for any store to be because it was so far away from the other retail outlets and in a super small terminal to boot.
Nonetheless, there it was and there “they” were…the answer to my prayers. Actually, “they” turned out to be the answer to several Powerful Miracle Prayers.
Which, of course, explains why there was the odd bookstore in a strange place in a small terminal. I was meant to find those magazines and blog about the articles in them.
The first magazine I couldn’t resist was the March 2009 issue of “Scientific American“The cover article, “Was Einstein Wrong” resulted in my blog post;
“God Doesn’t Roll the Dice” (Albert Einstein) vs. “Gentlemen, Place Your Bets” (God)”.
The cover article is all about the advancements in quantum physics and mechanics as it pertains to nonlocality; the area of physics dealing with the concept of two objects having a direct influence on one another though they are separated in space with no known mediator of the interaction.
It’s more than theory, really. Scientists know it happens…time and time again in experiments. What they can’t figure out…yet…is how it happens…or why. And, since it hasn’t been proven mathematically…yet…it’s still just theory.
Those of us who “know” the how and why just smile and wait…patiently.
The second magazine I just had to have…again, because of the cover article…was “Time“.
The cover essay?
"The End of Excuses"
The subtitle?
“Why this crisis is good for America”
The author, Kurt Andersen, has done a fine job of explaining and supporting his bold claim of crisis being good for America. A very fine job.
But for me, and what prompted this post, the most important component of the essay boils down to one little paragraph;
“…in the long run, I think we will also see an upside: the meltdown  amounts to a spectacular moment of global consciousness, this generation’s version of the Apollo astronauts’ iconic 1968 photograph of the earth from the moon – an unforgettable reminder that all 6.7 billion of us are in this together, profoundly and inextricably interdependent”. – Kurt Andersen
Powerful Miracle Prayers TwoWords to live by.
I’ve been offering up some Powerful Miracle Prayers and it looks like Spirit is doing its thing…as it always does.
I’ve been asking Spirit to help us find our way, collectively, to peace, harmony and balance and to help me find more effective and farther reaching means to aid others in finding that way.
Those of us who’ve been vocal about such ideology…especially those of us who are professional intuitives…are, often, glossed over as “those woo-woo people”. Hippies who don’t live in reality. And if you were a professional of some kind…say…a doctor,  lawyer or…worse… clergy and started touting the same well, then, you’d lost your mind and/or were a heretic.
But now esteemed and accepted mainstream publications are introducing…not just articles and essays…but cover articles and essays about the very same subject matter. Oh…and esteemed professors and writers…whose material will be accepted because they are mainstream…are writing about the very same ideology we lost minded, hippie, heretic woo-woo folks have been touting for centuries.
And to that I say;
“Thank you Spirit”!
It doesn’t matter how the message gets there or by whom it is delivered. The important thing is that the message gets out, is heard and, then, is acted upon.

See, once every single human soul on this planet understands, accepts and acts on the reality of our being “…profoundly and inextricably interdependent”, we will have arrived at the place where we began. We’ll join Spirit as one global, universal, consciousness, spending eternity in peace, harmony and balance.
Our quest will have come to an end, the ultimate in Powerful Miracle Prayers will have been answered and we will, indeed, have it all.

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