Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jump start your business

Did you know that your thoughts affect your life, but they also affect your business. The way that you view your clients and employees directly impact if you will be successful or not. When I consult with business owners the first thing that I focus on is removing the negative energy and replacing the old thought patterns. One of the best and easiest ways to do this is with affirmations.

My inner vision is always clear and focused
I can accomplish anything that I set my mind to
Opportunities come to me easily
My business is growing everyday
I attract the right clients and employees
I am thankful

Try these affirmations everyday, 3 times a day preferably, I guarantee that the energy in your surroundings will began to change. I would love to hear your feedback so let me know how these work for you.

Many Blessings and have a fabulous New Year!

Fran provides her consultation services to small businesses and corporations. The session identifies the “story” of the business, the players involved, and the trajectory of its business impact in the marketplace. Fran serves as an intuitive strategist, helping to uncover any hidden agendas or blocks inhibiting the full potential of the business. For more information contact Sandra@angelswithfran.org

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