Effective prosperity technique of putting the number 8 in one's wallet with a positive intent. One example given was a client of mine who did this, went to a casino and won $11,000. He decided to try it again the next day and lost half of his winnings because his positive intent had changed.
As many of you already know, everything in the universe has a vibration. The science of numerology uses specific numbers to represent each vibration. For example, the number 8 carries the vibration and energy of success and prosperity (along with other qualities). Carrying this numerical symbol around in your wallet is highly effective when your thoughts and intentions are positive. This is very important.
One way to keep to keep thoughts positive is through positive affirmations. If you are seeking security with your finances, saying and/or writing positive money or prosperity affirmations each day creates a positive intent. Placing the number 8 in your wallet and practicing these affirmations will speed up the process.
As I mentioned, 8 also represents success and carrying this vibration around will assist in attracting success which can appear in a wide variety of ways.
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