Monday, October 26, 2009


Just had to share this:::: Fran I just had to tell you about the blessings from the tithing that you teach. As you know I have been faithfully tithng and at first I was not. Long story short I went to pay a bill and I sent 3000.00 wire tansfer, well ...I got confirmation for money sent so I checked my bank balance the next day, the money was still there and my bill shows paid and it's a month later.... The money is stil there... Things like this don't happen and have never happen to me. I am so thankful for you and the Four Spiritual Laws of Proserity. You are truly doing the job of spirit and for you I am Grateful.

You cannot beat God giving there is just no way that you can,,, This is one of the ways that he says" Test me in this" Give your 10% today to where you are spiritually feed and watch God move~

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