Monday, September 28, 2009

Creative Ways to Transform Challenges:

Creating a Sanctuary for Yourself

To release a negative past, release objects in your home that carry the energy of your past into your present life...

The Zulus will burn clothes that someone wore when going through a difficult time to release the emotional residue left on the clothes. ...If there are objects in your home that have bad memories associated with them or that were given to you by someone you don't feel good about, get rid of them! (Or if you can't bear to get rid of them, then cleanse them thoroughly.)

The objects in your home should be associated with good memories. Otherwise, negative associations will drag down the energy in your home. ...

A young woman called me who had been divorced the previous year. She was suffering a mild depression and wondered if maybe there was bad energy in the apartment she had moved into after her divorce. When I went to her apartment I noticed unusual emanations from a number of the objects in her home...Every item that had an unusual energy field was a purchase made during her difficult marriage....

My primary suggestion was that she remove all the objects that she had acquired during her short marriage. She didn't want to do that, so I suggested that she put them in storage for two weeks.... I called two weeks later to see how she was doing. She told me that the depression had lifted. She said she had realized that she was holding on to the past and that every time that she looked at the objects she and Ted had bought together she subconsciously felt like a failure. Removing the constant affirmation (in her mind) of her failure had opened the space for her to evaluate her relationship objectively....

From Sacred Space, Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of Your Home by Denise Linn

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